
New Feature: Voice Call Notifications

There is never “too much” when it comes to the ways of getting notified about an emergency. And, in some cases, this emergency can be a website or server going down.

Today, voice call notification is added to Uptime Robot and it can be very helpful when we want to make sure that a notification is heard :).

How to add voice call alert contacts?

They are added just like other alert contacts with the steps:

  • My Settings>Alert Contacts>New>Voice Call
  • Once the number is added, an automated call will reach instantly to deliver an activation code.
  • Click the lock icon besides this newly created alert contact and enter the activation code received in the automated call.
  • And, attach this alert contact to the monitors of your choice from the add/edit monitor dialogs.

Suggested use

No one prefers to get disturbed and there are ways to make sure the voice calls are received only when there is an important downtime.

Uptime Robot has an advanced notifications feature (in the Pro Plan) to get notified only when the downtime is longer than x minutes and using this feature together with the voice calls will be a smart choice.

Additionally, it may only be the “voice calls for the down notifications” that we prefer to get. A very recently introduced feature also enables that too.

The pricing

The feature is priced just the same as SMS messages (and a call is considered successful only when the call is answered).

P.S.> As a reminder, it is now possible to get 2x SMS or voice calls for the same price (more details).

3 replies on “New Feature: Voice Call Notifications”

Definitely, it’s a great milestone that you have introduced voice call facility. I am using uptimerobot for a long time for my website and it gives the perfect solution to check my server status. I can propose another function that you can give, a WordPress Widget option to show up time of specific website in the sidebar, hope you will like my Idea.

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